Re: A86: Re: Asm questions
Re: A86: Re: Asm questions
> How would I go about making my own input routine? I've seen TI's, and I
> really don't understand it very well.
Neither did I. I'm not sure I do now, but I think this will work...
This routine SHOULD get a keypress and store it in the data area called
'string'. It will then move the pointer to the next spot in 'string',
and store the next character. When enter is pressed, it stores a zero
to the end of the string and RETurns. This should accept capital and
lowercase letters, and numbers. Whether or not this really works is the
question... Anybody care to check the code for me?
set shiftALock, (IY+shiftFlags) ;turn on AlphaLock
ld hl, string ;load address of string
call _getkey ;get keypress
cp kenter
jp z, key_done ;if enter was pressed
cp kSpace ;is it space?
jp z, key_space ;if it is a space
push af ;preserve the keycode in A
sub $1C ;k0
jp m, keyloop ;it's not a usefull key if negative
pop af ;recall the keycode
push af ;and save it again
sub $26 ;k9 +1
jp m, key_number ;if neg, assumed to be a number key
pop af
push af
sub $28 ;kCapA
jp m, keyloop ;it's not a usefull key if negative
pop af
push af
sub $42 ;kCapZ +1
jp m, key_capletter ;if negative, then assume capital letter
pop af
sub $5C ;kz +1
jp m, key_lowletter ;if neg, assume lower case letter
jp keyloop ;must be a useless key at this point
ld a, Lspace ;char code for space
ld (hl), a ;put into storage string at HL
inc hl ;forward pointer to next spot in string
call _vputmap ;display a space at current pen position
jp keyloop ;get next letter or number
pop af ;we had a PUSH, we must have a POP
add a, 12 ;keycode-->char code
ld (hl), a ;store it to the string
inc hl ;increment string pointer
call _vputmap ;display the number
jp keyloop ;get next character
pop af ;we had a PUSH, must have a POP
add a, 25 ;keycode-->char code
ld (hl), a ;store it to string
inc hl ;increment storage string pointer
call _vputmap ;display the letter
jp keyloop ;get next letter or number
pop af ;we PUSHED, we have to POP
add a, 31 ;keycode-->char code
ld (hl), a ;store it to string
inc hl ;next string spot
call _vputmap ;display
jp keyloop ;next
ld a, 0
ld (hl), a ;zero-terminate the string
ret ;exit
.db 0,0,0.... ;string storage