A86: Edit locking BASIC progs
A86: Edit locking BASIC progs
And now, the dreaded barage of questions:
1. Ok, I know I've asked this before, but... What EXACTLY is the
difference between the first few bytes in an edit-locked BASIC program
and a normal BASIC program (last time I asked this there was a dispute
over the correct values...)? And is this difference just in tokens
placed at the beginning of the program, or is there a difference in
their VAT entries?
2. When you call _FINDSYM, according to Assembly Studio's beauty of a
help file, the A register will contain the variable type and var flags.
First of all, is this byte the same as the first byte of its VAT entry?
Second, what are these variable flags?
3. Is there a ROM call to bring up the BASIC program editor? Like
something where you put the prgm name in OP1 and then it will bring up
the editor and its menus, let the user edit stuff, and then when they
exit it will return to where it was called from?
4. Is there such thing as a variable width font blinking cursor? I
would assume not as there doesn't seem to be any vWidth font input
routines, but I was just curious... it would greatly ease the strain on
my meager programming skills if there is one.
Cassady Roop