Re: A86: Port 7 (Link port)
Re: A86: Port 7 (Link port)
86 Central has a good explanation of the linkport. I've never tried the
byte sending/receiving routines, but I know for a fact that SendByte and
ReceiveByte in link86.asm work. They are my modifications of Pascal
Bouron's and Jimmy Mardell's linkport routines so that they work with the 86
with interrupts either enabled or disabled.
David Phillips <>
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32
86 Central:
-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Grams <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, November 23, 1998 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: A86: Port 7 (Link port)
>>What is the defult state for the linkport on the 86 when you are at the
>>homescreen or in a shell. I need to write a program that activates the
>>white and/or the red wire when I push a button. Are the wires
>>automatically turned off when you start an assembly program? How do you
>>activate one of the wires? I know that you'll have to use port 7. How
>>many volts and amps come out of the link?
>Default state is both wires on. They aren't turned off when you start an
>asm program (I think, haven't done any linkport stuff recently). Check the
>includes (just or whatever) for the numbers to put out port 7
>to change the state of the wires. AFAIK, the link is just standard CMOS or
>TTL logic - 5 volts, pretty small current load - if you want to run
>something from it, use it as a logic input to switch a circuit that can
>handle more power.