A86: re:SLink
A86: re:SLink
It is alt_slink_chksum... sorry
also, you must do some code like:
ld de,alt_slink_exec
ld bc,code_end-code_start
ld hl,code_start
routine goes here
this loads you routine into the alt_slink_exec ram area so
that it can be run as a user routine... you also have to set one of the user
flags to tell the calc to run it. All the system flags are documented on
David Phillips' 86 Central http://www.tfs.net/~electrum/
To get the checksum, you load every $28th byte of
alt_slink_exec into alt_slink_chksum... just like alt_on_exec or
alt_interrupt_exec... both the checksum and the system flag must be set and
correct for the routine to be enabled...