Re: A86: Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?
Re: A86: Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 19:24:12 EST writes:
> push bc ; save coords
> ld hl,(currspr) ; load the pointer of the sprite to draw
> ld de,background ; we will save the background at this
> jr Draw ; draw the masked sprite and save the
> pop bc ; restore coords
> jr Loop ; loop through the program
i'm not sure what you're trying to do, but this is what happens here:
push bc
ld hl,(currspr)
ld de,backgrounf
push bc
ld hl,(currspr)
ld de,backgrounf
push bc
ld hl,(currspr)
ld de,backgrounf
push bc
ld hl,(currspr)
ld de,backgrounf
push bc
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