A86: Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?
A86: Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?
#include "ti86asm.inc"
#include "asm86.h"
#include "Ram86.inc"
#include "ti86math.inc"
#include "ti86ops.inc"
#include "ti86abs.inc"
#include "ti86und.inc"
.org _asm_exec_ram
clipmask = _textShadow ; [1] used by ASCR
rows2put = _textShadow + 1 ; [1] ...
bitmask = _textShadow + 2 ; [1] ...
currspr = _textShadow + 3 ; [2] current sprite to draw
background = _textShadow + 5 ; [8] background behind the sprite
ld b,15
cp 0
jp z,Startthefun
ld a,($C008) ; load contrast value
inc a ; increase the contrast
ld ($C008),a ; write it back to memory
out (2),a ; and to the port
ld a,($C008) ; load contrast value
inc a ; increase the contrast
ld ($C008),a ; write it back to memory
out (2),a ; and to the port
ld a,($C008) ; load contrast value
inc a ; increase the contrast
ld ($C008),a ; write it back to memory
out (2),a ; and to the port
ld a,($C008) ; load contrast value
dec a ; deacrease the contrast
ld ($C008),a ; write it back to memory
out (2),a ; and to the port
dec a ; deacrease the contrast
ld ($C008),a ; write it back to memory
out (2),a ; and to the port
dec a ; deacrease the contrast
ld ($C008),a ; write it back to memory
out (2),a ; and to the port
jp Startthefun
ld a,0
call _flushallmenus ; close any open menus
call _runindicoff ; turn off the run indicator
ld b,57 ; set starting X coord
ld c,53 ; set starting Y coord
ld hl,SprRi ; the first time the right sprite is drawn
ld (currspr),hl ; set starting sprite
ld de,background ; we will save the background at this address
; draw the sprite for the first time
halt ; besides the sprite clipping this is the only copyed part
out (1),a ;
ld a,%01111110 ;
nop \ nop ;
in a,(1) ;
rra ;
jr nc,Down ;
rra ;
jr nc,Left ;
rra ;
jr nc,Right ;
rra ;
jr nc,Up ;
ld a,%00111111 ;
out (1),a ;
nop \ nop ;
in a,(1) ;
bit 6,a ;
jr nz,Loop ;
call _clrLCD ;
ret ;
ld a,c ; load the coord for check
or a ; is it 0?
jr z,Loop ; then we don't want to move
call Erase ; erase the old sprite
dec c ; decrease Y coord
jr Draw ; draw sprite
ld a,c ; load the coord for check
cp 56 ; is it 56?
jr z,Loop ; then we don't want to move
call Erase ; erase the old sprite
inc c ; increase Y coord
jr Draw ; draw sprite
ld a,b ; load the coord for check
or a ; is it 0?
jr z,Loop ; then we don't want to move
call Erase ; erase the old sprite
dec b ; decrease X coord
ld hl,SprRi ; point to sprite for left direction
ld (currspr),hl ; save new sprite
jr Draw ; draw sprite
ld a,b ; load the coord for check
cp 120 ; is it 120?
jr z,Loop ; then we don't want to move
call Erase ; erase the old sprite
inc b ; increase X coord
ld hl,SprRi ; point to sprite for right direction
ld (currspr),hl ; save new sprite
jr Draw ; a JR DRAW is not needed, we fall through...
push bc ; save coords
ld hl,(currspr) ; load the pointer of the sprite to draw
ld de,background ; we will save the background at this address
jr Draw ; draw the masked sprite and save the background
pop bc ; restore coords
jr Loop ; loop through the program
push bc ; save coords
ld hl,background ; we need to redraw the background
jr Draw ; draw the masked sprite and save the background
pop bc ; restore coords
ret ; return to what called us
.db %00011000 ;Masked Sprite 8 by 16 regular sprites are 8 by 8
.db %00100100
.db %01000010
.db %10011001
.db %10011001
.db %01000010
.db %00100100
.db %00011000
.db %00011000
.db %00111100
.db %01100110
.db %11011011
.db %11011011
.db %01100110
.db %00111100
.db %00011000