Re: A86: ROM Images
Re: A86: ROM Images
After many months of exile to school and football I am back (yay!!!). wrote:
> Yep. The same way that banks are illegal because the large sums of money
> inside might induce people to commit crimes :)
> --James
TI should give away its rom source, just like banks should give away money
> >>Everyone, I _finally_ got a reply from TI about ROM images
> >(remember
> >>that discussion a couple of months ago?), and I thought you would all
> >>like to see it. It is as follows:
> >>
> >>[cut]
> >
> >Umm... are they saying that _emulators_ aren't legal cause
> >it encourage people to break the law??
> >
The orginal thing about what TI said was snipped but my point is this is
sounding very Gatesian(is that the word).