Re: A86: Saving Memory


Re: A86: Saving Memory

sure, if you have 16 or fewer different sprites

if you have a number like $12 in a,
_shracc($4348) will make a=$01
and $0f will make a=$02

if you want to combine two together:
_shlacc($434b) will turn $01 into $10, then or in then second


On Sun, 15 Nov 1998 16:05:03 -0500 "Ahmed El-Helw" <>
>well, I guess I will look at those, but isn't there a way to do 
>something in
>which you can extract the first and second bite - ex:
>.db $11, $12, $15, ...
>would make the entire screen 44 bytes, wouldn't it?
>and then how would i get the sprite number into a?
>I think that since most coding is done, I should try to find something 
>compresses the levels and end of story on that.
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