Re: A86: tolerance
Re: A86: tolerance
>(rom ver 1.2? use page d numbers)
>"MEM" menu entry reads: (at $57ba on page 1)
>09 05 5e 0b 64 09 94 67 04 0b 68 5c
>"RAM" at $0b5e: 41 00 20 C3 75 3F 52 41 4D 00
> jp $3f75 ;page d at $55a7
>"DELET" at $0964: 41 80 23 C3 BB 3E 44 45 4C 45 54 00
> jp $3ebb ;page d at $539f
>"RESET" at $6794: 02 6C 52 45 53 45 54 00
>"TOL" at $0b04: C1 00 12 C3 45 3F 54 4F 4C 00
> jp $3f45 ;page d at $50fd
>"ClrEnt" at $5c68: 00 43 6C 72-45 6E 74 00
>but no one knows what the $02 does in reset, or what the difference is
>between $01, $41, and $c1
The difference is in the parameters. I think that $01 loads the parameter
into hl and $c1 and $41 loads the parameter into either de or bc. I figured
it out before, I might have posted something, or I might have even written
something into the menu structure doc I made.
So, TOL would have the input of $0012 ($1200?) in hl.