Re: A86: Re: Type Byte


Re: A86: Re: Type Byte

Do I put the tokens after, before, or in place of the two byte length
header?  There IS a length header on programs, right?  Do I need to inc
AHL twice to skip these before I put the tokens and code in?

Dux Gregis wrote:
> basic and asm programs have the same vat type, but however have different
> tokens at the start of the prog.  For an asm program, the 3rd and 4th bytes
> should be $8e, $28.  The easiest way to get this into your newly created
> program is to copy it along w/ your code:
> code:
> .org _asm_exec_ram-2
> code_start:
> .db $8e,$28
> ;your code
> code_end:
> Use code_end-code_start to find the length, code as the pointer for the
> copy.
> >
> >what is the type byte of an assembly program supposed to be?  I tried
> >using _createprog to install a program module, but it gives me error 10
> >data type when I try to run it.  Am I correct in assuming this is due to
> >_createprog putting a BASICprgm type byte in the VAT instead of an
> >ASMprgm byte?
