A86: HL as mem pointer


A86: HL as mem pointer

I'm using one big mem location to store all my enemy sprite/stat/name info
for an rpg. Sort of like this...

 .db %00110101, %11001100	; Tiger Stuff
 .db 5 	; health
 .db 10	; attack
 .db 6		; defence
 .db "Tiger ",0
 .db "Claws ",0
 .db %00110101, %11001100	; Cow Stuff
 .db 7 	; health
 .db 8		; attack
 .db 3		; defence
 .db "Cow   ",0
 .db "Teeth ",0

I can make point to a specific one by multiplying it's location in the list
of enemies by the bytes per enemy...but I _can't_ get it to load the
strings into other mem locations (something like this) :

 ld b,0
 ld c,35
 add hl,bc
 ld (e_name),hl
 ld c,7
 add hl,bc
 ld (e_weapon),hl

so that should add the sprite length (16x16 sprite) and the 3 stats to HL,
so HL points to the first string, and then should load the strings into
those other defined locations for later use. like:

 ld hl,(e_name)
 call _vputs

Whoa, I wrote a lot there...hope someone understands it and can help me :)

