Re: A86: Re: OP1=OP1 binary to decimal
Re: A86: Re: OP1=OP1 binary to decimal
it is for a part of my program which converts IP numbers.
JBrett wrote:
> why do u need to do that? dec->bin and bin->dec are built in...
> ______________
> JBrett
> ICQ# 20607010
> AIM name: BarwickBJ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cassady Roop <>
> To: <>
> Date: Thursday, November 05, 1998 9:25 PM
> Subject: A86: OP1=OP1 binary to decimal
> >
> >To add to my last post, does anyone know of a call that converts a
> >binary number in OP1 to a decimal number?
> >
> >I need the ability to convert an inputted binary number to decimal and
> >display it, and vice-versa. Also, how do I go about getting number
> >input that are the actual numbers and not the keycodes; three digits? I
> >know someone told me a while back, but I accidentally deleted everything
> >in my mailbox...
> >