Re: A86: Re:
Re: A86: Re:
No...i've already been given a good answer to my problem, you seem to have
missed the point of what I was doing...If I just wanted to wait for someone
to press F1 two times, your way would work. But I only said two times
considering the math involved would have ended up making it take two
uh, that's messed up,
At 10:32 PM 11/4/98 EST, you wrote:
>It looks good except you just have a key loop! You need to store the
number of
>times that the key is pressed.
>( Try This )
> xor a
> cp k_F1 ;Compare to F1
> jp z,keypress ;If pressed jump to label
> add a,1 ;A+1->A
> cp 2 ;Two times
> jr z,exit
> jp nz,keyloop