Re: A86: Variable-width font


Re: A86: Variable-width font

In a message dated 11/4/98 9:55:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> How can I display the decimal (not hex) value of a register (hl?) onscreen
>  in the variable width font at a specific location?

if you want variable width, you need to use the ops and _formreal. (unless you
want to build your own display routine, which is really complex but i'm sure
david phillips or somebody else will come up with one :)

anyway, enough mindless babble.  here's how:

_formreal			.equ		$5191

	call _SetXXXXOP2			;OP2=hl
	call _OP2TOOP1			;move to OP1
	call _formreal				;OP3=zero-terminated string value of OP1
	ld hl,_OP3					;point hl to OP3
	ld bc,$0000					;whatever penrow and pencol you want to use
	ld (_penRow),bc				;move cursor
	call _vputs					;display it.  this could easily be changed to _puts if you
felt inclined.

hope this helps.  it may not be the fastest way, but it's really short and
simple, which is fine by me :)
