Re: A86: Super fast GridPutSprite
Re: A86: Super fast GridPutSprite
Yes, I mean that one row of 8 pixels fits evenly into one byte, without
shifting. Thus, there is a "grid" of 16x8 sprites that fit on the screen
without shifting or overlapping.
The code below loads a 4k (exactly, 4096 bytes) into Ram page 1, starting at
address $800b.
TempRam = $800b ; $800b to $bfea = 16352 bytes (thanks Dux!)
Map = TempRam ; [4096]
ld hl,mapvar-1 ; point to var name (first byte is irrelevant)
rst 20h ; load name into OP1
rst 10h ; call _FINDSYM
ret c ; if it doesn't exist, return
ld a,b ; copy high byte
ex de,hl ; swap low bytes
inc hl ; skip length word
inc hl ; it is a word, not a byte...
call _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR ; set the source address as the var
ld a,1 ; copy to ram page 1
ld hl,Map-$8000 ; start at $8000 on page 1 (page 1 is at $10000 ABS)
call _SET_ABS_DEST_ADDR ; set the destination as ram page 1
xor a ; clear high byte
ld hl,4096 ; size of string var
call _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES ; set the number of bytes to copy
call _mm_ldir ; copy the map
call _RAM_PAGE_1 ; make sure ram page 1 is still loaded
jr dataloaded
.db 8,"cnc86map"
-----Original Message-----
From: InFuZeD <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, November 03, 1998 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: A86: Super fast GridPutSprite
>I needed to know how to address the data in RAM page 1 to load it.
>Second, By saying the sprite fits in 1 byte, do you mean that It is one
>row of a sprite? Just wondering.