Re: A86: Super fast GridPutSprite
Re: A86: Super fast GridPutSprite
Ok, DLoc is a lame maze game I'm making to demonstrate Scrolling, and
external level support.
Dux, I believe, posted this routine to load external variables into RAM
page 1:
ld hl,levelname-1
rst $20 ;load name to op1
rst $10 ;find brixlevs
jr c,notFound
ld h,d ;get ASIC address into hl
ld l,e
call $33 ;get the abs length
xor a
call _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES ;set number of bytes for _mm_ldir
ld a,b ;ld ahl,bde
ld h,d
ld l,e
call $4c3f ;ahl += 2
call _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR ;set the source for _mm_ldir
ld a,1
ld hl,$1000 ;absolute address for $9000
page 1
call _mm_ldir ;absolute copy to page 1
.db 8,"brixlevs"
I needed to know how to address the data in RAM page 1 to load it.
Second, By saying the sprite fits in 1 byte, do you mean that It is one
row of a sprite? Just wondering.
David Phillips wrote:
> Yes. But some games use aligned sprites for stuff. Like a sidescroller
> might draw the screen the first time using aligned sprites then scroll it
> after that.
> Rom page 1 is not normally loaded into accessable memory when an asm program
> is run. I don't know the abs address, it's probably on TI's page. But to
> swap it into memory, you use the ports. Why do you want to load it anyway?
> You shouldn't be calling rom routines directly, as they will most likely
> move in new rom versions. Use the call table on page D. Also, I think you
> have to reload page D when your program exits, but maybe not.
> ld a,1 ; ROM page 1 (bit 6 reset for ROM, set for RAM)
> out (5),a ; page 1 now loaded into $4000-$7FFF area
> --or--
> out (6),a ; page 1 now loaded into $8000-$BFFF area
> What is DLoc?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Date: Monday, November 02, 1998 4:28 PM
> Subject: Re: A86: Super fast GridPutSprite
> >
> >In a message dated 11/2/98 5:01:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> >writes:
> >
> >> I know I sound stupid but, what is a aligned sprite routine? What
> >> advantages does a nonaligned routine have over it? Also, where is ROM
> >> page 1 located? Thanx. I'm starting work on a scrolling external level
> >> suported DLoc =)
> >>
> >> -InFuZeD
> >>
> >
> >an aligned sprite is one that fits entirely in a byte . because the
> routine
> >involves no shifting, they tend to be much quicker. however, nonaligned
> >sprite routines can be placed anywhere on the screen, making them far more
> >useful.