A86: Re: Power off routine
A86: Re: Power off routine
>Has anyone ever dissassembled the $4101 routine, the one that turns off the
>calc? I tried to, but in the emu it looked like $4101 was right in the
>middle of an call opcode. Does anyone know how to turn it off by hand?
>The following code should lock the calc, but doesn't:
>di ; F3
>call $4101 ; CD0141
>This would mean that the off handler enables interrupt before it turns off.
> But could you turn it off manually and disable them first?
If you want to lock the calc, do this
This should shut off the calculator pretty quickly:
ld a,$00
out ($03),a
ld a,$01
out ($03),a
res shift2nd,(iy+shiftflags)
res onRunning,(iy+onflags)
halt ;minumum power loop
jr loop
I haven't tested it though
An ON key interrupt will get you out of that possible? loop with the halt
and jr statements. The ON key would
be sensed in the IM 1 interrupt handler that would get you out of that code
and jump to some sort of other routine,
depends on whether it was triggered by APD, [2nd][Off], or just [On]
Hmm.. there is a lot of stuff going on..
I posted the calc_off routine earlier, I guess no one was paying attention.
Well, here it is *again* ;-)
0c29 fdcb237e bit 7,(iy+$23) ;call user off routine
0c2d c4c53d call nz,user_off
0c30 b7 or a
0c31 f5 push af
0c32 21eec3 ld hl,$c3ee ;res 2,(iy+onflags)
0c35 cb56 bit 2,(hl) ;if it was set, call _clrScrn
0c37 cb96 res 2,(hl)
0c39 c4cb3d call nz,_clrScrn ;$3dcb
0c3c f1 pop af
0c3d 3805 jr c,$0c44
0c3f cdfb0d call getRAMcksum ;getRAMcksum
0c42 1803 jr $0c47
0c44 215aa5 ld hl,$a55a
0c47 22d8c1 ld (_onCheckSum),hl ;save RAM checksum
0c4a 3e01 ld a,$01
0c4c d303 out ($03),a
0c4e fdcb129e res shift2nd,(iy+shiftflags)
0c52 fdcb099e res onRunning,(iy+onflags)
0c56 08 ex af,af'
0c57 d9 exx
0c58 fb ei
0c59 76 halt ;minumum power loop
0c5a 18fd jr $0c59
There is so much going on in the ROM it is hard to follow what is going on.
I am going to do experiments to figure out what
is going on in.. Joshua Grams knows alot, since he gave me his commented rom
listing (how nice of him), and I did
some additional disassembling from that. This ROM listing will be on Rom
Central following my next update and it will be
attached to the "security" CGI to determine if you own ROM 1.2.