Re: A86: How do you get the value in OP1 into a register?
Re: A86: How do you get the value in OP1 into a register?
watch out for side affects.
On Sun, 24 May 1998 17:09:15 -0500 Robby Gutmann
<> writes:
>> call _OP2TOOP6 ;OP6=y
>> ld c,0 ;c = iteration counter
>> call _OP6TOOP1 ;OP1=y
>once you do this, i'm pretty sure the value of y is no longer in OP6.
op6toop1 just copies, op6 stays the same.
it might change c
>> call _OP6TOOP1 ;OP1=y
>> ld a,64
>> call _SetXXOP2 ;OP2=64
a now is $64=100
(setxxop2 converts a to bcd)
>> call _FPMULT ;OP1=y*64
fpmult destorys a as well as hl,de,bc, and op3
>> call _OP1TOOP2 ;OP2=OP1
>> call _SetXXOP1 ;OP1=64
>> call _FPSUB ;OP1=64-y*64
>> call _INTGR ;get integer value of OP1
>>;what do I need to put in order to get d to equal the value in OP1
>you could use _convop1 (not sure of the equate). it puts the floating
>point number in op1 in de. i think that's exactly what you want.
>sometimes, though, i get problems using it because de is 2 bytes, and
>ops are 11.
convop1 is $5577
de=op1,a=e (so if op1<256 a=op1)
it also destroys op1, bc, and hl
you should probly save the registers on the stack (push&pop) or in memory
or reload them in a lot of places. it gets really annoying.
>I hope this helps. What exactly is the prog supposed to do? i can't
> thanx.
>Robby Gutmann
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