Re: A86: Help Me!!!


Re: A86: Help Me!!!

Good luck.  My suggestion:  download Assembly Studio 86 from
It has an amazing amount of help on each instruction and on many ROM call
routines, along with all the header files you will need.  Get a list of Z80
instructions with their opcodes--there is a good one on Dux Gregis' site.
Lastly, check out Matt's site and read all the tutorials and the FAQ.  To
do it on the calc, you'll have to also print out the header files to know
what all the equates for rom calls are.

At 12:52 AM 5/23/98 EDT, you wrote:
>I am a person who wishes to know how to program a calc in z80 for a ti86
>directly on the calc and i would also like to learn assm for ti 86 if you can
>help please do

// David Phillips
// AIM: electrum32
