A86: Winlib.
A86: Winlib.
If i want to run an 85 game on an 85 emulator shell on my 86, can i just
put winlib.85s on my calc, and it will work fine? I use Rascall, do i have
to do anything with that 85-var space? Even if there's no way to get this
to work, on a completely different tangent, can somebody explain the 85 var
space thingie to me? thanx.
Robby Gutmann
ICQ UIN: 724927 Agonostis on IRC
Of course, Ankh-Morpork's citizens had always claimed that the river water
was incredibly pure. Any water that had passed through so many kidneys,
they reasoned, had to be very pure indeed.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Sourcery)