Someone requested that I foreward this: -- Stephen Hicks
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- To:
- Subject: Link Port Question
- From: HBeaver1 <>
- Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 01:04:53 EDT
OK, I read the files about how to use the link port and I thought I understood it until I made a test program. Okay, what I am trying to do will take pages to explain so I will just use a simpler example. Now the dilemma... In the docs there were some example commands on how to make the red and white wires on and off. Now say I wanted to turn a LED on and off using the link cable. So I cut the end off a link cable, tinned the wires, hooked up the ground to on pin of the LED and the red wire to the other end (with a resistor). Then I made an assembly program to turn the red wire on and off a couple of times and then set them both back to 1. Then I ran the program and connected the red wire to the LED and it froze my calc no matter where I was every time I connected the wire. So the question, how can I use the calc link port to turn a LED on and off??? What do I need to do to not make it freeze? Also, with my test program I tested the voltage across the wires and usually got 5.2 volts. But when I activated the wires using my program it only changes the voltage about .2 or .3 volts, but when I try to send a program to the volt meter it drops all the way down to 0? I have included the code for the test program. It is very short. Is there something wrong with the program? What am I doing wrong?? I used to be on the mailing list, but I never had time to read all the mails I got, so now I am not. If anyone responds to this please CC it to Thank you, Chris Source Code-------------- start: call _homeUp call _clrScrn ld hl,InputStr call _puts inputs: call _getkey cp kF5 ret z cp kF1 jr z,RO cp kF2 jr z,WO cp kF3 jr z,BO cp kF4 jr z,NO jr inputs RO: ld a,%11101000 out (7),a jr inputs WO: ld a,%11010100 out (7),a jr inputs BO: ld a,%11000000 out (7),a jr inputs NO: ld a,%11111100 out (7),a jr inputs InputStr: .db Lenter,"F1-Red On",Lenter .db "F2-White On",Lenter .db "F3-Both On",Lenter .db "F4-Neither On",Lenter .db "F5-Exit",0 .end
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