A86: Miscellaneous questions
A86: Miscellaneous questions
Hi, I'm (relatively) new to ti-86 z80 programming and I
discovered this list a few weeks ago, and I have just a few questions
for anyone who wants to answer...
1. Would anyone be interested (anyone = Bill Nagel) in modifying
GreyBG so that it only displays on the homescreen? Or, if not, can I at
least get some info on how it works?
2. The ti-83 has flags that can be accessed off of IY like the
86, but it includes some that are for asm programming use (ASM_FLAG1
etc). Are there similar ones for the 86?
3. Ram page 1 has the floating point stack and other boring
stuff. Is there any part of this page that my asm program *can't*
overwrite (it's not using any OP registers or anything?) I need a LOT of
contiguous space for a game I'm making. I could back up the entire page
into a string, but that would use 16k of memory while the program is
running, so I don't want to do that.
Thanks in advance.
Andrew Waser
---------------------- just another dumb white guy without a signature