Re: A86: Bit Shifts


Re: A86: Bit Shifts

Yeah it is. 8T vs. 4T. The speed of the z80 instructions are documented in
Assembly Studio 86. Just put the cursor
behind the Z80 instruction and hit F1


>yes, but i think (i don't have the timings w/ me) that 'sla a' is
>slower. people like to use 'add a,a' because it's more clear as to what
>it does.
>> Doesn't
>>         sla             a
>> have the same effect as
>>         add             a,a
>> ?
>=                                   =
>=   Kirk Meyer (   =
>= =
>=                                   =
>=   "Set your affection on things   =
>=    above, not on things on the    =
>=      earth."  Colossians 3:2      =
>=                                   =