Re: A86: Dec to Hex


Re: A86: Dec to Hex

On Mon, 11 May 1998 19:50:13 -0600 Kirk Meyer <> writes:
>;this routine is actually more efficient
>;modified routine by Kirk Meyer   5/11/98
>  call put_number
>  ld a,h
>  call put_number
>  ld a,l
>  push af
>  rrca
>  rrca
>  rrca
>  rrca
>  and %00001111
>  call put_digit
>  pop af
>  and %00001111
>  push hl

why not use characters $0a thru $0f?
   cp a,$0a
   jr nc,put_digit_ok
   add a,'0'


>  call _putc
>  pop hl
>  ret
>=                                   =
>=   Kirk Meyer (   =
>= =
>=                                   =
>=   "Set your affection on things   =
>=    above, not on things on the    =
>=      earth."  Colossians 3:2      =
>=                                   =

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