Re: A86: check asm


Re: A86: check asm

not sure exactly what you're talking about, but - when you use a colon, it
only runs (sqrt)parse once.  (sqrt)parse is run by _exec_assembly, so it
would make sense that it might screw up.  you could do a cpir for colons or
something...  i'm not sure how it tokenizes prog names.  is there any problem
with loading up page $d/$1 and then loading a recovery routine somewhere
[safe] in page 0.  then loading the prog into _asm_exec_ram, jumping to the
recovery routine and then calling d748?  also, i just found this out - when
you hit enter without typing anything, it runs the previous # prog thru
(sqrt)parse again, so if that happens, it goes thru it twice (this doesn't
pertain to the rest of the mail but it might be good to know)

Kirk Meyer wrote:

> i don't think we should use _exec_assembly within (sqrt)parse because it
> seems to run programs funny (i've tried this approach already). what i
> think has to be done is, look through the # variable, start at 0. search
> for the next :, get a length and see if that exists. keep doing this and
> doing this and doing this [or is this how (sqrt)parse works? maybe it
> does one command at a time? a letters at a time? what?] anyway, if it
> sees an ASM program, it would recreate # to include "Asm(" before the
> program. the alternative would be to hook (sqrt)CMDTOK and catch the
> programs that way. i think (sqrt)PARSE is better though because then in
> programs, etc. its only a one-time expense.
> Keith wrote:
> >
> > heres some code that i cant seem to get to work in my (sqrt)parse
> > program. (i haven't tried it in a non (sqrt) program).
> > i got it from cyberoptics rom webpage.
> > what it does is check if 'program' is an asm program and if it isn't it
> > returns and if it is then it runs the program.
> >
> > ;
> >         ld      hl, program
> >         rst     20h
> >         rst     10h
> >         call    $46AF
> >         jr      nz, quit
> >
> >         jp      _exec_assembly
> > ;
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > Keith Batten
> --
> =====================================
> =                                   =
> =   Kirk Meyer (   =
> = =
> =                                   =
> =   "Set your affection on things   =
> =    above, not on things on the    =
> =      earth."  Colossians 3:2      =
> =                                   =
> =====================================

Stephen Hicks
