Re: A86: simple math optimization
Re: A86: simple math optimization
On Mon, 11 May 1998 17:11:35 EDT BIOSERRORS <> writes:
>What's the fastest way to do
>hl = (16 * d) + e
I have two methods I just figured out. I don't know if either work, so
someone please check, etc... (I'm not perfect:-).
PUSH de 11
LD h,d 4
LD l,d 4
SLA l 8
SLA l 8
SLA l 8
SLA l 8
SRL h 8
SRL h 8
SRL h 8
SRL h 8
LD d,0 7
ADD hl,de 11
POP de 10
111 T-States
PUSH de 11
LD hl,0 10
ADD hl,sp 15
DEC hl 6
XOR a 4
RLD (hl) 18
LD l,(hl) 7
LD h,a 4
LD d,0 7
ADD hl,de 11
POP de 10
103 T-States
See if either of these fit your needs.
The Unibomer
Jared Ivey
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