Re: A86: rom calls


Re: A86: rom calls

At 02:34 AM 5/9/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone know what any of the following rom calls do?

$4813 is _pop_OP1 (off of FP stack)

$496f calls $28cb, which I call _call_abs. This doesn't make any sense.
When you call _call_abs, the next three bytes should be an absolute
address. It then returns to the return address before the call _call_abs.
That's why all the calls on the end of ROM pg. 0 (about $2900 on) don't
have ret's after them - they don't need them.

$4787 is _check_STACK_mem. It checks if there is enough free memory to push
something onto the OP stack or the FP stack. It takes one parameter, the
amount of  memory needed, in hl.

I know this is kind of late, but I thought I'd answer anyway, so just
ignore this if it's redundant...

