A86: some rom calls
A86: some rom calls
anyone have any use or good names for these?
10 byte copy:
$48DB 10b(fps-10)->_OP6
$48DF 10b(fps-10)->_OP1
$48E3 10b(fps-10)->(de)
$48E7 10b(hl-10)->(de) page1
$48EB 10b(hl)->(de) page1
$48EF 10b(fps-20)->_OP5
$48F3 10b(fps-10)->_OP2, 10b(fps-20)->_OP1
$48F7 10b(fps-20)->_OP1
$48FB 10b(fps-20)->(de)
$48FF 10b(hl-20)->(de) page1
$4903 10b(fps-30)->_OP2
$4907 10b(fps-30)->_OP3
$490B 10b(fps-30)->_OP6
$490F 10b(fps-30)->_OP1
$4913 10b(fps-30)->(de)
$4917 10b(hl-30)->(de) page1
$491B 10b(fps-40)->_OP5
$491F 10b(fps-30)->_OP2, 10b(fps-40)->_OP1
$4923 10b(fps-40)->_OP1
$4927 10b(fps-40)->(de)
$492B 10b(hl-40)->(de) page1
$492F 10b(fps-50)->_OP1
$4933 10b(fps-50)->(de)
$4937 10b(hl-50)->(de) page1
$493B 10b(fps-70)->_OP1
$493F 10b(fps-80)->_OP1
$4943 10b(fps-90)->_OP1
$494F rom version/self test screen
$4953 run self test
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