A86: New Opcodes?


A86: New Opcodes?

I was looking at the link on Dux's site which points to a Zilog page full
of Adobe Acrobat files containing info on the Z80. 
(http://www.zilog.com/frames/develope/z80180um/z80185.html)  In the
Chapter that outlines the Instruction set, there are several Mnemonics
that looked totally unfamiliar to me.  Here are a few of them: 
SLP puts the processor into some kind of "Sleep Mode" where it executes
NOPs until an interrupt occurs. 
TST works just like AND except it doesn't affect the A register, it only
affects the flags.  I guess TST is to AND as CP is to SUB. 
It said that MLT took the individual 8-bit registers in a register pair
and put the 16-bit product in that pair.  For example D*E -> DE. 
In the older references I looked through at the library, no multiplication
instruction was even mentioned.  In fact they specifically said the Z80
didn't have a multiplication instruction. 
The documents were from the Z80185/195 Zilog User's Manual.  It this a
newer version of the Z80 that has instructions incompatible with the Z80
in the TI-86.  Or are these opcodes valid on the TI-86?  If they are, that
MLT looks like a very useful command. 

If these are bogus opcodes, you should make not of this on your page, Dux. 
Nathan Linger
