A86: Re: Ideas for improving the emulator


A86: Re: Ideas for improving the emulator

i think it needs runtime searching too, so you can put in a value to look
for and then it goes to find this value after each operation and pauses if
there is at least one found. that would make it easier to dissasemble too.

>I think the emulator needs to incoporate more "registers"
>Like they list a, b, c , hl, etc, when the program is running or when you
>step between each instruction..  I think that dialog box needs to monitor
>(HL), (DE), and OP1 - OP5, among with other strategic important memory
>locations. Plus I think they should have the option so you can customize
>what you view by a memory location and a length, so you could like monitor
>14 bytes on RAM and it will be in this dialog box.
>This would make disassembling much easier