Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program
Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program
On Tue, 5 May 1998 19:11:30 -0400 (EDT) Dan Eble
<> writes:
>On Tue, 5 May 1998 wrote:
>> >
>> >no, the "0" before it puts something in Ans. Also, if you were to
>> and op5!!!
>What happens when Ans is complex? Does it go in OP5/OP6? It would be
>nice to use
no, it just puts the imaginary part in op5. op4 contains "Ans" though,
maybe this is useful except you might have to fix the first two bytes.
ooh, it's only in op5 if you run from the homescreen, not from a
program... well, op4 is still "Ans"
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