Re: A86: Re: Number Printing
Re: A86: Re: Number Printing
I just figured that out...I was using "or a" instead of "xor a" when
initializing the variable. Why not just use:
ld hl,(memloc)
And why clear A before you load the number to HL? And where is _dispAHL
At 07:38 PM 5/5/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>Simple question, but:
>>What's the best way to print a 16-bit number that's stored in a memory
>>location to the screen?
>xor a ; Clear A
>ld hl, MemoryLocation ; The 16-bit mem location goes here
>call _ldhlhl ; Now HL = 16-bit number
>xor a ; Clear A register
>call _dispAHL
>I did not test this but it should work.
David Phillips