Re: A86: Personal Intro & Questions (fwd)
Re: A86: Personal Intro & Questions (fwd)
Stephen Hicks wrote:
> Dux Gregis wrote:
> > You were wrong about the variables being copied to "$" whatever it is.
> > The variable name ("$",xx is treated as a variable that contains string
> > and equation parameters) is in op1 and is somehow looped over (maybe
> > Pat's eos loop?). That's why when you type 4 parameters into an empty
> > function, it only returns the last one as the result. If you happen to
> > know the variable name (like if it's "$"), then you can look it up in
> > the VAT, but this, however, doen't allow for you to use variables and
> > strings interchangeably. You should be able to read from op1 and not
> > have to copy data there.
> I think that it only makes the $xx vars when you pass a literal (and maybe just for
> strings, matrices, and whatever else - not sure, but it really doesn't matter). What I'm
> saying is that each parameter is pushed onto the stack. If it is a real, the value is
> pushed; if it is a non-real type, the variable name is pushed. I am going to test this
> today.
Ahh. That's more likely. :-)