Re: A86: Terms


Re: A86: Terms

>    font hook ................ when characters get printed
>    ON hook .................. when the calculator goes on
>    OFF hook ................. when the calculator goes off
>    slink hook ............... upon recieving a SLP request
>    user defined interrupt ... (about) every 200th of a second
>    [sqrt] KEY ............... when a key is pressed
>    [sqrt] others ............ when parsing, tokenizing, etc.

those are all right except for sqrtKEY. it is executed even when there is no
key pressed ie... like GETKEY is called and a is 0

 >So let me get this straight.  None of these are hacks someone has made.
>Every one of these hooks has its own special space and an enabling flag
>put there by TI for assembly purposes.  Yet no official information was
>provided concerning these patch-able areas.

no none are hacks. ti put them there for them and for us, mostly the

>Another question is where do ASAPs fit in to all this?  I will make a
>I think they are only for menus and for customizations which require tokens
>(i.e. add-on commands/functions).  So do add-ons (menus and functions) have
>their own set apart area in memory or do you just put them wherever?

right...the menus and functions have their own space (which can be invaded
easily), the menu has tokens as to if the text in it should be put on the
screen or if it should open up a submenu or if it should run something. when
a function is typed on the screen and then goes through the parser it finds
the token for it and runs the routine for it.
