Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program
Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program
Dux Gregis wrote:
> Stephen Hicks wrote:
> >
> > no, the "0" before it puts something in Ans. Also, if you were to use a
> > function with parameters, you would run into several problems:
> > (a) the user would have to install the token before the basic program would
> > work.
> If all the asaps are used, display the message "No room to Install".
> Otherwise use the first available asap. Matt Shepcar posted a call that
> will do all this for you (look at ROM central).
So because this user has 3 asaps installed, he can't play such and such a basic game
until he unninstalls one?
> > (b) the token may conflict with other asaps (stat, fin, trig, asm, etc...) and
> > if it is installed automatically, that would cause a problem.
> I think that a user would more upset about having to store the
> parameters in variables and reading output in variables than having to
> install a program.
The user is a programmer - programmers shouldn't care. Now if the program was
intended to be used from the homescreen, i'd be all for making anasap to do it, but
it's not iteneded for that purpose, so the disadvantages of making it into an asap
outweigh the advantages
> >
> > Calling the asm program from the basic program with an Asm(beep) is really the
> > best way. The only time user tokens come in handy is when you want to add
> > functionality to the user end of the os...
Stephen Hicks