Re: A86: More (sqrt) KEY questions
Re: A86: More (sqrt) KEY questions
> > There is still an error, even with the -2 part. It works best when you
> > remove it all together,
> > I think it is because you cant have two .org addresses starting at
> > how would it know where to jump?
> I'm not having any problems. What are you using to compile?
Oh, dont get me wrong, it compiles great. What the problem is it that when
you run it it totally F!@#'s up the calculator..I think it is because that
you cannot have two .ORG's in one asm file, and hell, they are both
pointing to $D748. How would the compiler know which .ORG to use. I think
it uses the first, thus screws it up. It works great without the .ORG
statement, since after the code: label, most people just use jr's anyway