Re: A86: Re: Taking apart the TI-86...
Re: A86: Re: Taking apart the TI-86...
Does Zilog make any Z80 chips above 6MHz? If so, coudn't you just take out
the Z80-6 and pop in a Z80-8 or Z80-10? That way you woudn't have to
reprogram the OS, since it would still be a Z80.
- Ricci Adams
At 04:29 PM 3/26/98 -0600, you wrote:
>>3. There are numbers on the transistors, diodes, transformers, etc... and
>>was wondering if these are places in asm where you call to
>ummm what? call the numbers on the circuitry? umm..... no the registers are
>made by latches and flipflops in the circuitry and the calls are made to the
>rom or ram in the calc
>>4. Could you possibly take apart the processors, reconstruct them and put
>>upgraded version in it (with more memory and recourses, faster, etc...)(I
>>have a friend that makes processors and stuff and is professional)
>processors dont store mem, unless its flash rom, and you could only
>'reconstruct' a chip if it had flash rom and you had the hardware to flash
>it, sure you could put in another chip, but then you would have to program
>the os :)