Re: A86: call


Re: A86: call

On Wed, 25 Mar 1998 17:32:50 +0100 Scalp <> writes:
>I got some questions:
>can someone explain me what that calls do and how to use them:
>_shracc            equ      4383h
it moves the high nibble of a to the low nibble, that is it shifts a
right by 4

>_formreal          equ      5191h
this converts op1 to a string that starts at op3 and writes over op4

>_clrText       	equ   	$4ab5 (I know it clear text 
>shadow, but what does it
>mean ?)
>_clrWindow	.equ	4A86h
>when using _CREATEREAL, how can u store a number in the variable u 
>made ?
not sure with those.

>and how to use:      _ioPrompt      		equ 	$c324
store a 0-terminated string here before calling the routine to get a # in
        ld hl,prompt
        ld de,ioPrompt
        ld bc,length_of_prompt  ;include ending 0
        ld a,$0d                ;get number in op1
        ld (_ASAP_IND),a
        call _exec_pg3


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