Re: A86: EII drifver


Re: A86: EII drifver

At 05:39 PM 3/23/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm starting on the driver...I need some vat info please...
Like this?

VAT entry:

bytes	description

1	type byte
3	abs ptr to data, low byte, middle byte, high byte
1	flags byte, should be 0
1	name length byte
<=8	name.

Everything's reversed, the type byte is highest in memory. So if xStat was
the first var on the calc, it would look like this:

.db "tatSx",5	;name
.db 0		;flags byte
.db $01,$40,$00	;absolute address pg 2, $8000
.db 04		;real list type

