A86: Loading Problem...please help.
A86: Loading Problem...please help.
I need some help with a problem I'm having.
I'm making a ray-casting game and despite all of the
massive floating point math. The following section
of code don't work for some reason...
ld a, 32
ld (VA), a
VA: .db $00
In this section, I'm trying to load 32 into the variable
"VA". I've tried variations such as:
ld hl, 32
ld (VA), 32
ld a, 32
ld hl, VA
ld (hl), a
All I want to do is load a numerical value into a byte
in the memory and be able to retrieve that value. What
doesn't work is that it will load 00 into the defined
memory slot or it just can't retrieve it...I don't know
which. I have Rom v1.2 if it will help. Any help on this
would be much appreciated.