Re: A86: Re: getting _randint to work


Re: A86: Re: getting _randint to work

>Ahh, now I understand. Store the lower bound in OP1 and the upper bound in
>OP2 and it works perfectly. It has absolutely nothing to do with the
>floating point stack.

Cool. Too bad it only seems to work up to 99 (which seems like 2 BCD
numbers). Anything
greater then that it seems to wrap around. Like if I did 100 it would
display 0 only.. you
will also find this along with some other calls I added to Rom Central.


#include ""

;Defined in
_randint  equ $5544
_dispOP1  equ $515b
_setxxOP1  equ $4613  ;convert hex # in a to flt point in OP1
_setxxOP2  equ $4617  ;convert hex # in a to flt point in OP2

.org _asm_exec_ram

;Find number between 0 and 99

 ld a, 0
 call _setxxOP1

 ld a, 99
 call _setxxOP2

 call _randint
 call _dispOP1   ;Displays that random integer
