A86: Re: OP1
A86: Re: OP1
>how do i set OP1 equal to a fraction? ld a,.25 and ld a,1/4 with
>_SetXXOP1 dont work, and i cant fin any equates for setting them equal to
>fractions. do i have to do _OP2SET4, _OP1SET1, _FPDIV? thanx for any
You could do that.
Accessing the OP1 register directly as shown below would be faster, although
its more code.
ld hl, FPNum
rst 20h ; copy 10 bytes from (hl) to OP1
; OP data for 2.5e-01, which is .25
.db $00, $FF, $FB, $25, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
- jeremy goetsch