Re: A86: unlock


Re: A86: unlock

Keith wrote:

> man i hate replying to myself :) sorry i didn't understand what you said
> before...the reason i don't want to send an [f5] is that that just gets
> out of the prompt, i can do that, what i want it to do is act just like
> the reset, heres the program attached.
> aslo if anyone knows how the calculator made it clear the screen when
> key was pressed could you tell me? (it was also used when displaying the
> bat. low message...hold enter ehen turning the calc on)
> Keith

Bravo!  Your program looks good...But if you replace jp $409c with ld a,$31
and do nothing else, I think you'll be pleasantly
(I know you don't want to do this, so you'll have to trust me on this one.)

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