Re: A86: unlock


Re: A86: unlock

i think that it copies it to the _cmdShadow, because i filled the first
couple of bytes with characters and when it returned it displayed that
plus what was there before.  if there is a command to fill the
_cmdShadow with spaces or clear it you can load $D053 with $0000 to set
the cursor location at the top.
Keith Batten

Stephen Hicks wrote:
> I've been having the same problem.  It displays "Mem cleared\Defaults set",
> lowers the contrast, then promptly exits out, clears the screen, and puts
> back up what was there before...  I was thinking that maybe it copies the
> text mem into a buffer before bringing up the reset prompt, so we'd need to
> find where it copies it to first... ?  or maybe force it to homescreen
> mode...?
