Re: A86: manual entry of assembly
Re: A86: manual entry of assembly
On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 16:35:51 EST ComAsYuAre <> writes:
>i have a couple questions about assembly source:
>1.when you manually enter hex, do you include the $ ???
When writing in hex machine code only the characters 0..F are used.
>2.what's with all the underscores (_) ??? they aren't
>available on the calc, so how do i enter them???
You can't program on the calculator directly in assembly, no built in
assembler. It's more like machine code, even though TI advertises it as
"assembly" programs.
The Unibomer
Jared Ivey
"Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every
effort to teach them good manners." -- Unknown
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