Re: A86: Re: stop
Re: A86: Re: stop
Klukan wrote:
> > With the [sqrt]PARSE it seems like calc functions can be disabled.
> > For
> > added memory protection, Rascall (or your shell) should disable
> > "Delvar(",
> > so as to prevent the deletion of all varaibles, especially TI-85
> > strings.
> Do I just look for the call to "Delvar("?
No, you won't find it unless you're considerably fortunate. I think that
each function is represented by a two byte number. To find this, look at
$c1fb, and scroll through the catalog. ("DelVar(" is $5cdf.) I'm not sure
how, but it's probably possible to tell the calc to ignore that function by
comparing the function being currently parsed with $5cdf, in the same way
that others have used [sqrt]KEY. I think it will be easier to decipher
[sqrt]KEY first though, before we decipher a variation of it.
> > > I'm guessing that I set the flags and make the
> > > call.
> >
> > No, set the flag and it's like an interrupt.
> So I create the program, starting with the call to $479f, and set the
> flags...right?
Right. And reset the flags to disable the program. Both programs (the demo
and Rascall), follow the call by ld a,($d625), which you would think does
nothing, so you might want to also add that. The best thing for you to do
is to compare the [sqrt]KEY programs that are made by Rascall and the demo
program. Once you see where Rascall deviates from the demo, you can insert
your own code. Remember that cp $1d and the like check for calc states and
you should put your calc state there.
> > > How are the (sqrt)KEY and similar programs created?
> >
> > using _CREATEPROGlook at the include files
> Allright.
> > > Also, does
> > > anyone have info on _CXCURAPP? Thanks.
> Thanks.
> -Jeremy