Re: A86: help


Re: A86: help

On Fri, 07 Mar 1997 13:50:17 +0100 Scalp <> writes:
>Ok, I'am very new in assembly, so, i have some questions :
>why that is not posible : 
>    ld (_penRow),0
>why must I do that : 
>    ld a,0
>    ld (_penRow),a

Because the Z80 can only do it this way.

>what must I do to go in a new line ( ld a,1	ld (_penRow),a   
>don't work)

Use this instead:
ld a,1			;this can be any number of rows
ld hl,_penRow		;this copies the location of penRow into hl
add a,(hl)			;this takes a (1 in this case) and adds
it to what's pointed to
 			;by hl, storing the answer in a (a = 1 + penRow)
ld (_penRow),a		;this puts the answer back into penRow

>in assembly studio 86, why must the file be 8 char (if not, the prog 
>in the calc contain ".86")

A bug in the program.  Turn off windows 95's option to display extensions
from an explorer window to fix it.

>P.S. sorry for my english... I am french

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