A86: Re: help
A86: Re: help
>Ok, I'am very new in assembly, so, i have some questions :
>why that is not posible :
> ld (_penRow),0
>why must I do that :
> ld a,0
> ld (_penRow),a
That is just the nature of the Z80 instructions. Often when dealing with
memory, only A and HL registers are allowed. It just is the rules of the
processor. Since you are using Assembly Studio 86, you can find out the
syntax of any instruction by highlighting it and pressing F1
>what must I do to go in a new line ( ld a,1 ld (_penRow),a don't work)
Assembly Studio 86 probably inteprets each new asm instruction as a new
line. If you put two instructions on one line, it thinks its one
instruction, and an illegal one at that.
>in assembly studio 86, why must the file be 8 char (if not, the prog name
>in the calc contain ".86")
That's also how Asm Studio 86 was designed. You wouldnt want the filename
too long anyway, because it usually ends up being the name of the program on
the TI-86.