Re: A86: ROM Central - TI-86 Rom Download capabilities (CGI complete!)


Re: A86: ROM Central - TI-86 Rom Download capabilities (CGI complete!)

or you could try brute force if you had lots of time and a fast ISP but as i
said before nothing is completely foolproof. . . but as you said it's foolproof
enough besides it doesnt matter much to me since i got when that guy posted it
before i have a ti86 in fact i wrote invert not the interrupt one but the one
that changes the graph screen before the emulators came out.  i think its silly
worrying about the rom but . . . its their desiscion so let's abide by it (am i
really saying listen to copyright law whats happening to me :) )
and mat i am not criticizing you i was just inadvertently being my annnoying
self but you did as good a job if not better than ti probably would have or
anybody for that matter just hope the FBI doesnt come after you for copyright
laws since it is still distributing it, i guess you should check with TI but i
guess you did that too o well i am jsut babbling on.


ps. has anyone used my invert program i mentioned above just wondering
pps sorry for any typoes i am falling asleep its been a long week
ppps i just felt i had to add something else to the letter as if its not long
enough already :)
Matt2000 wrote:

> >i hate to sound annoying but nothing is foolproof especially things for
> >computers i have proved it many times not in copy protection so much but in
> crashing things :)
> >
> >Patrick
> It is not completely full proof. But it would take at least two people to
> break this system. In that case, the other person would need a TI-86. But in
> that case, the person could it the Rom Image anyway from the TI-86 owner.
> Once again, it is as foolproof as possible.
> -Matt
