A86: ROM Central - TI-86 Rom Download capabilities (CGI complete!)


A86: ROM Central - TI-86 Rom Download capabilities (CGI complete!)

Hey this is Matt! My CGI is now complete. It allows you to download the
TI-86 Rom Version 1.2 or Version 1.3, depending on which has you calculator

-------------- How it works ------------------

My CGI randomly and dynamically generates a small hex program that, when
entered in your calculator, displays a part of your rom as a 16-bit number.
You take this number and enter it into the CGI. The CGI compares this value
with a small part of the rom built in the CGI, and allows you to donwload
the rom if the values match!

(my CGI is just as foolproof as rom86, it just uses a different method. Both
physically require the TI-86 to be there!!)

------------ Why this is cool -----------------

This allows you to download the TI-86 ROM only if you own a TI-86 calculator
since it actually looks at the ROM

You can download the ROM even if you do not own a graphlink, a parallel
link, or any link at all! All you need is a TI-86 and fingers! Then you
enter the hex program in, my site gives more details on how to do that

With the ROM, you can use the emulators, including the TI-8x emulator or
Steve Gordon's Win32 TI-86 Emulator (the official page is on my site), and
you can also use the Rom for disassembling and looking for hidden rom calls.

------------- Where to Go ---------------

My web page is at:


Then go to Rom Central, add a Rom Call (just to be nice :)  )
 and select download Rom Image

-Matt Johnson

ICQ # - 8342478